
Query Comment Plugin

 Install Query comment Plugin #

The query comment plugin is used for adding the query commments through application.

Query comment, instrumenting.

  • Configure query commenter


Following are the steps For Installing Query Comment Plugin

Step 1) Download the query comment jar file suitable for your java version from the Devaten Download Page .

On Download Page you got a github Repository link to get a query comment plugin jar

git clone


Step 2) Now install the downloaded query comment jar file.

Installation of the query comment jar file:

I. First keep the query comment jar file in one folder.

And copy the path of the file this way,

E:\QueryCommentPlugin\QueryCommentPluginJava8 Now open the git bash here and type this command to install your jar file- mvn install:install-file – Dfile=”E:\QueryCommentPlugin\QueryCommentPluginJava8\QueryCommentPluginJava8 .jar” -DgroupId=org.devaten_team7.comment_plugin -DartifactId=comment_plugin – Dversion=1.0 -Dpackaging=jar

After type this command press enter and you will get the “Build Success” message it means that you have successfully installed the file.


Step 3) First add the dependency of this query comment plugin in your applications pom.xml file.


First open the pom.xml file of your application and paste this dependency in that and save it.

Now take back end build- use: mvn clean install

generate the jar file. Run the generated jar file of your application.



Step 4) For adding query comment through application you need to do the changes in the particular module repository. Where you want to add the following code.

Do this changes in the repository file-

Add this import statement- import NamedJDBC.DevatenNamedParameterJdbcTemplate;

Replace this code with the matching this in your repository- @Repository public class FaqRepository1 extends JdbcDaoSupport { //private NamedParameterJdbcTemplate namedJdbcTemplate; DevatenNamedParameterJdbcTemplate namedJdbcTemplate; public FaqRepository1(DataSource dataSource){ super.setDataSource(dataSource); //namedJdbcTemplate = new NamedParameterJdbcTemplate(dataSource); namedJdbcTemplate = new DevatenNamedParameterJdbcTemplate(dataSource); }



Step 5) Now to see your query comment added to your queries.

First sign up to the Devaten application and add your agent, add your application and configure the datasource of your application.


Step 6) Start Recording and execute the queries of the module where you have added the query comment code.


Step 7) Stop recording and see the query comment details on SQL page of devaten.

The query comment details are shown like this. When query comment is added to your query such queries got separate usecaseidentifier.

You can see all the details of this usecaseIdentifier in devaten dashboard.

The query comment plugin is used for adding the query commments through application.