
Docker For Middleware

Pre-requisite #

  • You can integrate the Middleware application with our Saas and On-premise. If you want to use SaaS then first do the registration and use with On-premise then download the code from our Github R epository.
  • If you want to run the Middleware and On-Premise Docker-Compose Locally you have to change the HTTP URL with your system IP with port 8081 in the middleware.env file.
    E.g. APP_HOST=”

How to Install #

Firstly Clone the Middleware file from Github using following command.

git clone

Folder Structure #

Step 1 ] Open grafana-data folder

Step 2] Open datasource folder

Step 3] Open datasource.ysf file

Step 4] Enter your host IP address in this file.

How to Configure #

Folder Structure

Step 1] Open middleware.env file.

Make below changes in middleware.env file


(if you use devaten sass then url should be if you are use On-premise Docker-Compose Locally you have to change the HTTP URL with your system IP with port 8081( in the middleware.env file. )
LOGIN_USER_NAME=”Enter Dahshboard username”
PASSWORD=”Enter Dashboard password”


Add into your configure file your IP address where docker is running.

Example; ipconfig

IPv4 Address.:

–> APP_HOST=”″

After the change verify Devaten is running on this same address.

How to Run #

  • To install the middleware locally, you must have docker and docker compose installed and do the following:
  • Download the docker compose file from the release.
  • Open the directory in a terminal where the docker compose file is.
  • Write the following command:

docker-compose pull

This will download the docker images locally.

To start program open a terminal and navigate to the folder containing the docker compose file.

Write following command:

docker-compose up