
Middleware Dashboard

Pre-requisite #

Pre-requisite For Middleware Dashboard #

  • Install Docker version should be equal to or grater than 20.
  • RAM : 8GB
  • Port Should be open.
  • 8081 – Devaten Dashboard.

  • 8111 – Devaten Agent.
  • 8161 – Active MQ Server.
  • 3306 – MySQL Database.
  • 61616– Active MQS.

if you use middleware app then require need to open port:

  • 8999– Middleware App
  • 9090– Prometheus.
  • 3000– Grafana.
  • 9091– Prometheus Metrics.

Devaten dashboard installation guide. #

To run the On-Premise common Agent Docker Compose File locally, you must

To run the On-Premise common Agent Docker Compose File locally, you must have Git, Docker and Docker Compose installed and do the following:

This shows all necessary steps regarding to setup on docker

Step 1. Clone the Docker Compose file from Github using 

git clone

Configuration Changes in docker-compose file: #

Step 1. go to “on-premises-common-agent” folder.

Folder Structure: #

Step 2.  open docker compose file with any text editor & make changes in environment

Eg. > vi docker-compose.yml

Press i to insert.

Environment: #

In mysqldb section set 


In  devaten-dashboard-container section set below

spring.datasource.username: root
spring.datasource.password: devaten@123 [If org can change password but make sure your mysql password,flyway password ,datasource password should be same]spring.flyway.user: root
Spring.flyway.password: devaten@123
openai.apiKey: Enter-your-openai-key Enter-your-smtp-host Enter-your-smtp-email

smtp.password: Enter-your-smtp-password
smtp.port: Enter-your-smtp-port

How to Run: #

Step 1.  You will see the ‘On-Premise common agent’ folder as soon as the clone is complete. Go to that folder, open terminal and run the following commands:

 docker-compose pull

This will download the docker images locally.

Step 2.  To run Docker Images mentioned in Docker Compose File, Write the following command:   

 docker-compose up

This command starts all the docker container

Step 3. You will see the following Page after hitting the below URL http://YOURHOST:8081. For eg. http://localhost:8081

Step 4. You can stop application using following command

 sudo docker-compose down