1. Install On-Prem dashboard
How to Install
To run the On-Premise common Agent Docker Compose File locally, you must have Git,Docker and Docker Compose installed and do the following:
1. Firstly Clone the Docker Compose file from Github using
git clone https://github.com/devatengit/onpremises-common-agent.git
Configure docker-compose.yml:
Once the cloning process is complete, you will see the ‘onpremises-common-agent’ folder. Open the ‘docker-compose.yml’ file in that folder using any text editor, such as Notepad or VS Code.
Here is a step-by-step guide to update the fields in your docker-compose.yml
1. Locate the openai.apiKey
openai.apiKey: Enter-your-openai-key
with your actual OpenAI API key.2. Set the openai.apiurl
openai.apiurl: Enter-open-ai-api-url
with the appropriate URL3. Define the openai.responsemodel
openai.responsemodel: Enter-open-ai-responsemodel
with the model name.4. Specify the openai.server
with the appropriate server name. 5. Adjust the openai.timeintervalinseconds
openai.timeintervalinseconds: 0
means there is no delay between consecutive OpenAI API calls. This could lead to rapid successive calls, potentially hitting rate limits or causing performance issues.6. Set the scheduler.fixed-delay
scheduler.fixed-delay: 15000
means the live metric page will update every 15 seconds. This frequent updating ensures that users see near-real-time data and metrics, providing a current view of sessions and graphs.7. Configure the scheduler.cpu.collertor-type
with your desired collector type.8. Enter Details for Azure DevOps:
azure.devops.organization: your-organisation
azure.devops.project: your-project
azure.devops.tickettype: task
azure.devops.pat: your-token-for-api-calls
with your Azure DevOps organization name.Enter-your-project
with your Azure DevOps project name.enter task
with your desired ticket type .Enter-your-token-for-api-calls
with your Azure DevOps personal access token.9. Set Up SMTP Configuration:
smtp.host: smtp.example.com
smtp.email: your-email@example.com
smtp.password: your-password
with your SMTP host URL.[EMAILID]
with your SMTP email address.[PASSWORD]
with your SMTP password.Once you have updated all the fields with your actual data, your docker-compose.yml
file should be ready for use.
How to Run:
2. After the clone is complete, navigate to the ‘On-Premise common agent’ folder, open a terminal, and run the following commands:
docker-compose pull
This will download the docker images locally.
3. To run Docker Images mentioned in Docker Compose File, Write the following command:
docker-compose up
The above command will starts all the docker containers.
Follow below video to configure and run devaten application.
2. Configure On-Prem application
Go to: http://localhost:8081
Do following configurations
Connect agent to dashboard / Add Agent
Requesting a New Trial License
To request a new trial license for Devaten, please follow the steps below:
1. **Compose an Email:**
– **Recipient:** support@devaten.com
– **Subject:** New Trial License
2. **Email Content:**
I need a license key for the following registered email: “mymail@gmail.com”.
Best regards,
[Your Name]
3. **Send the Email:**
After sending the email, the Devaten support team will reply to you with the requested license key.
By following these steps, you should receive your trial license key via email shortly after your request is processed.
Application configuration
configure your application.
Configure databases.
configure your data sources.
Set alerts.
Configure monitoring queries.
Configure Jira
3. Install Middleware
How to Install
Firstly, Clone the Middleware file from GitHub using following command.
git clone https://github.com/devatengit/devaten-middlewareapp.git
How to Configure:
Edit middleware.env file
Add into your configure file your IP address where docker is running.
Example; ipconfig
IPv4 Address.:
–> APP_HOST=”″
After the change verify Devaten is running on this same address.
How to Run:
docker-compose pull
This will download the docker images locally.
To start program open a terminal and navigate to the folder containing the docker compose file.
Write following command
docker-compose up
For more details visit
4. Install query comment
Query comment, instrumenting.
Follow below link to install query comment.
GitHub can be found here
Alternative, Instrument, install query comment
You can follow README file to install query comment.
5. Integrate your Test Suit with Middleware with easy http calls.
GitHub can be found here:
Integrate with your test suite
You can follow README file to install and integrate middleware with your test suite.
6. Verify results
See results on Grafana, and notifications to Jira.
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